
Over the last few months, I've fallen in love with keeping a gratitude journal. At the end of every day, I sit down with my journal and write down at least 5 things that I'm grateful for throughout the day. I first heard about this reading Sarah Wilson's First, we make the beast beautiful, which... Continue Reading →

What’s the difference between sex and making love?

Earlier today I was being intimate with my girlfriend and told her that I loved making love to her. She is, without doubt, the only girl I've been with whom I can say I love. Before her, sex was something I never cared for that much. It was something I liked the idea of more... Continue Reading →

An icy place.

I wake up next to the river. The water is crashing along intensely today causing huge up splashes along its journey. The trees are covered in thick layers of snow and icicles have formed from the tips of the leaves. I'm wearing my usual outfit, a white linen shirt with the sleeves rolled up a... Continue Reading →

Intuition and balance

“My point is, life is about balance. The good and the bad. The highs and the lows. The pina and the colada.”― Ellen DeGeneres Finding your unique balance will empower you on your journey. Some of us are lazy and lack the discipline necessary to take our first steps and some of us are too neurotic... Continue Reading →

Why meditation hurts.

“A man's mind is stretched by a new idea or sensation, and never shrinks back to its former dimensions.”― Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr I've been interested in meditation and practised regularly for the last few years and in that time I can honestly say I've had some of the most beautiful and profound experiences of my... Continue Reading →

Not being dettered.

“True devotion and humility is when you carelessly allow yourself to fall in love with things you consider will make you look inferior, which in essence, makes you superior.”― Michael Bassey Johnson A challenge I've come up against a good few times is letting myself be deterred and ungrounded by other people. For me, this usually... Continue Reading →


“Sometimes, if you want to change a man's mind, you have to change the mind of the man next to him first.”― Megan Whalen Turner Have you ever seen X-men? In the movie's or comics there's this character called Mystique, shes this blue reptilian looking chick who can morph her body to look like anyone else's.... Continue Reading →

Creating space

I've picked up a habit of using seemingly insignificant moments to create more space for myself. Similar to a meditation practice but different, this never feels forced or timed, it just happens. This habit has taught me the meaning of meditation. Meditation isn't something you do, meditation is something you are. Meditation is home.

Some traps I’ve fell into.

“Knowing where the trap is—that's the first step in evading it.”― Frank Herbert Over my 20 years, I've run into a nice fistful of traps, some big, some small. I felt like sharing some of them with you today. The first is the trap of having no tangible routine. I've spent a lot of time going... Continue Reading →

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